Friday 30 September 2011

Movie Quesrionnaire...


  1. Do you prefer horror or thriller?

  1. Do you prefer a movie to have more jumpy scenes or gory scenes?

  1. Would you prefer to have music playing through out a movie or just certain parts?

  1. Would you prefer everyone to die, some to die or no one to die?

  1. If you choose ‘everyone to die’ or ‘some to die’ would you prefer to see how they die or not?

  1. What name would you prefer ‘Slenderman’ or ‘Sound of Drums’?

  1. Would you like much dialog?

Please post answers in comments please :)


  1. 1) Thriller
    2) Jumpy scenes!
    3) Just certain parts
    4) Some to die, keeps me guessing who will be next
    5) Some of them, if we don't see how someone dies, it's more shocking when the body is discovered.
    6) Slenderman
    7) Some, not a lot, to help explain Slenderman's origin

  2. Horror
    Jumpy Scenes
    Certain Parts
    Some to Die
    Not all the time, more interesting that way
    Sound of Drums
    Yes, plenty, helps move the story along

  3. thriller
    certain parts
    some to die

  4. 1. Horror
    2. gory
    3. certain parts
    4. some to die
    5. only some as it adds to the suspence as you imagine how the character has died
    6. sound of drums
    7. yes to make the story have substance
