Thursday 15 December 2011


The camera I used
What I have Leanrt about technologies from making my product

I have learnt many skilols from making my monie opening, on of which is how to expectly use angles and how to possition the tripod in perticular places to get a perticular effect. I also learned how to upload the videos from the camcorder, on to the computer, and then. 'Adobe Premiere Pro' (which is the soft wear I used to edit my moive)

While using this soft wear, I learned a number of techniques on it, on of which was cutting certain parts out of my of my movie out, thus resulting in me being able to cut every thing i dont want out of my different shots, improving the quality.

 I also learned to cut sound out, by dragging the sound I didnt want onto a different level, and simply mute it. It then ment i could play different music over the top of my movie. This means, instead of having unpleasant wind in the background of whats happening, I could put eary music on instead, meaning the feel of my movie will become even more eary, and jumpy, esspeacially if I but loud music in the right places. Over all adding to the effect of it.

Another peice of soft wear I learned to use was blogger its self. This means I am able to make a portfolio that is need and tidy, and it also means I am able to access my work anywhere I go.

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