Thursday 15 December 2011


How my media products uses forms and conventions of real media products

I believe, my movie creates creates, not only tension, but suspence. This adds to the main theme of my move ,thriller, and furthermore attracts my target audience.

This movie has a similar opening to mine, as they both open up with some information about what has happened. This makes the audience eager to watch the movie.
Unlike in 'The Blair Witch Project' where you are given a load of extreem close ups, both to should un proffectional camera work, but so you get to know the characters on a personal level. I have put none of these shot into my movie as I want the audience to feel detatched from the characters, so the realise the bad they have done, and that what happened inthere own fault. In which I am then hoping it plays on there mind, and stopping them from bullying in the future.


The camera I used
What I have Leanrt about technologies from making my product

I have learnt many skilols from making my monie opening, on of which is how to expectly use angles and how to possition the tripod in perticular places to get a perticular effect. I also learned how to upload the videos from the camcorder, on to the computer, and then. 'Adobe Premiere Pro' (which is the soft wear I used to edit my moive)

While using this soft wear, I learned a number of techniques on it, on of which was cutting certain parts out of my of my movie out, thus resulting in me being able to cut every thing i dont want out of my different shots, improving the quality.

 I also learned to cut sound out, by dragging the sound I didnt want onto a different level, and simply mute it. It then ment i could play different music over the top of my movie. This means, instead of having unpleasant wind in the background of whats happening, I could put eary music on instead, meaning the feel of my movie will become even more eary, and jumpy, esspeacially if I but loud music in the right places. Over all adding to the effect of it.

Another peice of soft wear I learned to use was blogger its self. This means I am able to make a portfolio that is need and tidy, and it also means I am able to access my work anywhere I go.

Wednesday 14 December 2011


How I attracted/addressed my audience

Written Laungage

This shows my slender man jumping on the screen and off again
Clip one (sorry it isnt actually a clip)  

Another way I attracted my audience was to pick a theme that people of my target audience would know, in this case, the popular meme Slenderman. This means the storey will interest them, and would make it more likely for them to want to watch it.


What progress I have made from my preliminary task

One of the major things I have learned from making my preliminary movie was that having my actors speak loud and clearly enough for the camera misc to pick up. Another way I have progressed from my preliminary movie was to pick the right actors from the right parts. The character who gets his face slapped in my preliminary movie (John wilson), I found, was two quiet for the camera to pick up, so I gave him the roll of 'Slenderman' as it wasn't a talking part. However if I was to do it again I would chose a different actor to play the man who died, as well as the man who slapped John (Jack Stevenson) as I believe he couldn't act serious enough for the roll, as he kept on smirking, fortunately I have attempted to cut out most of his unfocused smirks and laughs, although it would be something I would avoid if I was to do it again.

John  (as Slenderman)
John Wilson

Jack as himself
Jack Stevenson

One last thing I believe I have made progress in, is my lighting, in my preliminary movie the lighting in it makes it so that it is hard to make out my characters, also it changes from scene to scene. However in my main movie, I have concentrated to make my lighting as natural,and similar as possible. (please see preliminary movie above and 'Final movie draft' or    DVD of 'The Slender Man')


How my media product represents a particular social group

A screen shot from the movie 'The Blair Witch Project' 
The photo featured in my movie opening of the
group of  friend

Both of these social groups are similar because they are both students, they are both dressed casually, and are obviously friends. However culturally they are different as the characters from 'The Blair Witch Project' are American and my characters are British.

Another similarity to each other is that both my movie and 'The Blair Witch Project' are low budget meaning the out fits are everyday outfits as well as there not being much make up (other than a bit of powder to cover shine'. Also the mise en scene is mostly what is available, for  instance, trees and grass to show the audience that the characters are out side, of a fridge and cooker to let them no the characters are in a kitchen.

Tuesday 13 December 2011


A media company that could possibly distribute my media product
One distributor that could be interested in my movie is 'Haxan Flims'  (1) which is a low budget movie distributor, of which created movies such as 'Lonely Molly' and 'Seventh Moon'. 

I believe this film company would be interested in my media production because they are a low budget 'indie' company. I also believe they will be interested because the main genre they concentrate on is thriller/horror, most popular of which is 'The Blair Witch Project'. So with my media product being a similar theme, this  is why i believe they would be interested in 'The Slender Man'. 

Monday 12 December 2011


The audience for my media product

I believe the social group my movie is individuals. I don’t believe my audience are the type of people who would go see large, extravagant movies, such as Harry Potter, est. but rather the smaller screen, indie movies. I also believe this movie will interest internet uses who read ‘meme’s’ for example ‘meme base’ (1)

A cultural idem that is transmitted by repetition (2)

As I got my inspiration for the sporty from the popular meme ‘Slenderman’ (3)

I also believe, from my audience analysis, that my audience like : -
·        Both horrors and thrillers
·        Thing to be gory and jumpy
·        To have music in only certain parts of the movie
·        To only have some people die and to see some of the deaths
·        To have some dialogue/written laungage

I believe I have stuck close to this analysis by trying to put most of these points in at least one part of my movie opening.

So in conclusion, I  have music in certain parts, have some people die, and to have at least some dialogue, as well as you see some people die. Because half of the people I asked said that they would like a horror/thriller, gory/jumpy and Sound of Drums/Slenderman I have choosen between them. So I  decided to name it The Slender Man, as the movie if about him but I couldn't call it Slenderman because of copy right, I also chose to make it jumpy as I believe that would aloud me to show of more complex shot types, and as for the genre I decided to combind the two, so it will be a Horror-Thriller hybrid.     

Final Movie Draft...

Friday 2 December 2011

Next take two...

I have completed editing and handed my second draft of my film opening, the mark I got back was a C. Satisfactory but not great, to improve my grade I plan on re doing my sound, making it more smooth and adding a more jumpy sound track to the jumpy parts. I also plan on making my transitions smoother, as well as cutting down a certain part of it so interest doesn't stray. However i plan on keeping most of the background noise out, as it gives my opening a more realist theme, which in what i want.